Sonja Smit

Sonja Smit

Sonja joined Allan Gray in 2013 and is responsible for the processing of death claims across all life, retirement and discretionary products for the Retail business. She has 18 years’ experience in retirement fund administration and holds an International Action Learning Master of Business Administration.

Articles by Sonja Smit

Insights categories - Retirement

How your retirement fund benefits are allocated when you die

By Sonja Smit on 28 Oct 2019

Reading time: 8 mins

The process behind retirement fund death claims is challenging to understand and complex to execute. Sonja Smit discusses how to be better informed as a...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Prioritise your dependants and loved ones during National Wills Week

By Sonja Smit on 17 Sep 2018

Reading time: 10 mins

It’s National Wills week from the 17-21 September 2018 – consider taking advantage of the offer from a participating attorney to get your Last Will and...


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